Know Your Part When Disaster Strikes


KI. Use it. Don’t abuse it.

Japan recently experienced a large radioactive crisis. One that had much of the world scared. In response to this threat many people far outside the radiation area acted rashly against the supposed threat by taking potassium iodide (KI). This stable potassium salt, is useful in only a very specific type of nuclear reaction, that being when radioactive Iodine has been released, and only protective to a single part of the body, that being the thyroid. Understanding the appropriate use is important for several reasons explained below.

Many people have misunderstood the protective nature of the drug and assumed that they were safe once they had taken it. The truth is that KI cannot help once exposure has occurred, and only protects the thyroid gland. It is imperative the public listen to public health professional and follow the advise given.

Side effects of KI are minor when the dosage correctly used.